The initiators of the Project:
Gilles Architect, company manager, Valérie companies manager, jacques, chief curator of library, Myriam, Frédéric Doctor of medicine, Fabien engineer project manager, Jean-Charles, Andrew Ingenieur entrepreneur
And many others like Jean-Pierre Catherine Luc Brigitte Line Thierry Sandrine Stephane Christelle Olivier Séverine who support And also propagate this initiative.
Quelques uns de l’équipe :
Married 4 children, Architect dplg, property manager, webmaster of various naturist sites including . Member of APNEL, director of naturists videos,, militant cyclonudiste since 2007 creator of the site Designer of this site
Widowed, 1 child Chief Curator of Medicine Library. Designer of the unofficial site of La Sabliere
Married 2 children Manager of real estate companies